General Structure

The study plan is divided into four academic years. Each year is worth 60 ECTS credits. The academic year is divided into two semesters and students can take up to 30 ECTS credits in each of them.

During the first three semesters students take 60 ECTS credits related to basic training. According to the Spanish Royal Order 1393/2007 (Real Decreto 1393/2007), basic training relate to Spanish Language, Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Information Technology courses.

The remaining compulsory 120 ECTS credits are taught during the second, third and fourth years.

Elective courses are available during the third and the fourth year. The students can take a third foreign language as an elective course, among other subjects. During the fourth year the students have to prepare their Final Project.

First year courses

First semester Credits.
Lengua A1 Español 6
Lengua B1 12
Lengua C1 12
Total 30
Second semester Credits.
Lengua A2 Español 6
Lengua B2 6
Lengua C2 6
Cultura A Español 6
Documentación 6
Total 30

Click on a course to see the complete list of courses.

Second year courses

First semester Credits.
Lengua A3 Español 6
Lengua B3 6
Lengua C3 6
Lingüística 6
Informática 6
Total 30
Second semester Credits.
Lengua B4 6
Lengua C4 6
Cultura B 6
Cultura C 6
Traducción B1 6
Total 30

Click on a course to see the complete list of courses.

Third year courses

First semester Credits.
Lengua C5 6
Traducción B2 6
Terminlogía 6
Traductología 6
Optativa 6
Total 30
Second semester Credits.
Lengua C6 6
Traducción B3 6
Traducción C1 6
Interpretación I 6
Optativa 6
Total 30

Click on a course to see the complete list of courses.

Fourth year courses

First semester Credits.
Interpretación II 6
Traducción B4 6
Traducción C2 6
La profesión del TeI 6
Optativa 6
Total 30
Second semester Credits.
Trabajo de fin de Grado 6
Traducción B5 6
Traducción C3 6
Optativa 6
Optativa 6
Total 30

Click on a course to see the complete list of courses.

Each course is taught during a semester and is worth 6 ECTS credits. However, the first (Lengua B) and second (Lengua C) foreign languages are worth 12 ECTS credits in order to strengthen the students' proficiency in their working languages.

The students must have accomplished 60 ECTS of basic training and 108 ECTS compulsory credits to defend their Final Project. According to the new degree scheme, the students have to write and defend a final project reflecting what they have learnt during the degree.

It is important to clarify that the languages offered in the Faculty are the following:

  • Lenguas B (first foreign languages):

Arabic, English, French, German and any other that the University of Granada may offer in the future.

  • Lenguas C (second foreign languages):

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and others that the University may offer in the future. These can be also chosen as third foreign languages (elective courses), plus others such as Dutch, Polish, Galician and other languages that the University may offer.

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