Course guide of Communicative Competence in a Foreign Language: English (25611D8)
Grado (bachelor's degree)
Year of study
ECTS Credits
Course type
Teaching staff
- Stephen Pearse Hughes . Grupo: B
- Natalia Martínez León. Grupo: A
- Stephen Pearse Hughes Grupos: 3 y 4
- Natalia Martínez León Grupos: 1 y 2
Timetable for tutorials
Stephen Pearse Hughes
Email- First semester
- Monday
- 16:00 a 18:00 (Despacho 529)
- 20:00 a 21:00 (Despacho 529)
- Thursday de 18:00 a 21:00 (Despacho 529)
- Second semester
- Monday de 16:00 a 19:00 (Despacho 529)
- Thursday de 16:00 a 19:00 (Despacho 529)
Natalia Martínez León
Email- First semester
- Monday de 11:30 a 13:30 (Despacho 231)
- Tuesday de 13:30 a 14:30 (Despacho 231)
- Wednesday de 18:00 a 19:00 (Despacho 231)
- Thursday de 09:30 a 11:30 (Despacho 231)
- Second semester
- Thursday de 09:00 a 15:00 (Despacho 231)
Prerequisites of recommendations
B2 English proficiency required.
Brief description of content (According to official validation report)
- The phonological and phonetic features of the Foreign Language: phonemes, stress, rhythm and intonation.
- Code rules and the basic grammatical features.
- Morphological features of the Foreign Language.
- Most relevant vocabulary and semantic features.
- Sociolinguistic and pragmatic features.
- Sociocultural features of the Foreign Language.
- Concepts, procedures and attitudes related to communication and sociocultural features.
- Teaching materials and resources for the development of communicative competence in the FL classroom.
Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)
Learning outcomes
General Degree goals:
- Training in the act of teaching/educating: self-knowledge, personal esteem, the ability to establish constructive group relationships, a supportive and democratic attitude, etc.
- Training students as primary school teachers.
- Promoting respect for fundamental rights and equal opportunities for everyone and universal accessibility (special needs), and culture of peace.
Specific objectives in relation to the specific competences of the elective:
- Developing a practical theoretical knowledge about the importance of the notion of communicative competence in a foreign language and its different components.
- Improving communicative competences.
- Learning, reasoning, broadening knowledge in linguistic, sociolinguistic, cultural and pragmalinguistic competences as established by the Common European Framework for Languages.
- Encouraging task based learning, using resources and materials and teaching practical applications of the different components of the communicative competence of the foreign language in the Primary Education classroom.
Detailed syllabus
- Topic 1. Introduction. Concepts and notions of competences. The communicative competence: origins and taxonomies.
- Topic 2. Phonetic and phonological competence: sounds, accent, rhythm and intonation in the FL. Teaching-learning pronunciation in the language classroom. Activities and resources.
- Topic 3. Discursive competence. Teaching-learning of discourse in the language classroom. Activities and resources
- Topic 4 a. Lexical competence: vocabulary in the language classroom. Activities and resources.
- Topic 4 b. Grammar and communicative competence and fluency in the language classroom. Activities and resources.
- Topic 5. Sociolinguistic, sociocultural and pragmatic competences. Activities and resources. Linguistic landscapes.
- Task 1: Introduction to the FL Primary Classroom. Reading materials related. Communicative Competence. The CEFR for Foreign Languages. Procedure: bibliographic revision, case studies and examples.
- Task 2: The oral competence. Phonetics and phonology. Teaching English pronunciation. Procedure: designing visual aids in the FL classroom to practice and teach phonetics.
- Task 3: Discursive competence. Procedure: selection of authentic materials: newspaper articles, speeches (press and news), etc.
- Task 4a: Lexical competence: improvement and how to teach it. Procedure: using online dictionary and online websites for lexicom.
- Task 4b: Approaches to teaching grammatical competence and communicative fluency in the Primary school classroom. Procedure: Selection of teaching materials.
- Task 5: Sociolinguistic, sociocultural and pragmatic competences. Procedure: how is culture reflected in language, different uses and registers. Linguistic landscapes.
Basic reading list
- Aguilera Carnerero, C. (2020). El graffiti como motor del pensamiento crítico en lengua extranjera. Onomázein, (NE VI), 189–208.
- Andúgar Soto, Ana, Martínez-León, Natalia, Cortina-Pérez, Beatriz (2024). Multilingual Pedagogies for Early Years. Theoretical Insights and Innovative Approaches. Multilingual pedagogies for young learners. Innovative approaches. Editorial Peter Lang.
- Ben Rafael, E., Shohamy, E., Amara, M. H., & Trumper-Hecht, N. (2006). Paisaje Lingüístico como construcción simbólica del espacio público: el caso de Israel. International Journal of Multilingualism, 3(1), 7-30.
- Comisión Europea (2018), Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Companion Volume with New Descriptors. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. URL:
- Harmer, Jeremy (2012). Essential Teacher Knowledge – Core concepts in English language Teaching- New Jersey: Pearson-Prentice-Hall.
- Roach, Peter, Hartman, James, Setter, Jane, Jones, Daniel (2006). Daniel Jones' English Pronouncing Dictionary (17th edition)- Authored book- Cambridge University Press.
- Richard, Jackes (2011). Exploring teacher competence in language teaching. https://ww
- Ruiz Cecilia, Raúl, Villoria, Javier. (2008). New Training Course in Phonetics. Tasks for developing transcription and pronunciation skills, Granada: Educatori.
- Savu, Elena , Chirimbu, Sebastian, Dejica-Cartis, Anca (2014). What skills do foreign languages teachers need in the 21st century? An intercultural configuration.
- Slattery, Mary & Willis, Jane (2001). English for Primary Teachers. Oxford University Press.
- Trujillo, Fernando, Cassani, Daniel, COMBE, Christelle, Ferreira, Anita, Ollivier, Christian y Román-Mendoza, Esperanza (2022). Tecnología versus/para el aprendizaje de lenguas. Reflexiones y conversaciones sobre el futuro de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas mediados por la tecnología. Difusión, Centro de Investigación y publicación de idiomas.
Complementary reading
- unit-1/tab/grammar
- unit-1/tab/grammar
Recommended links
Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)
Ordinary assessment session
Attending to the Evaluation and Qualifying Regulations of the students at the University of
- Consolidated text of the Regulations approved by the Governing Council Agreement of May 20, 2013 (BOUGR No. 71, of May 27, 2013) and modified by the Governing Council Agreements of February 3, 2014 (BOUGR no. 78, of February 10, 2014); of June 23, 2014 (BOUGR No. 83, of June 25, 2014) and of October 26, 2016 (BOUGR No. 112, of November 9, 2016); includes bug fixes of December 19, 2016 and May 24, 2017.
In accordance with the Regulations for the evaluation and qualification of students at the
University of Granada (Approved by the Governing Council in its extraordinary session of May
20, 2013), the evaluation will be continuous.
For this evaluation modality, attendance to at least
80% of the subject is compulsory.Only 20% of excused absences will be allowed.
Evaluation criteria:
- EV-C1: Verification of the mastery of the theoretical and practical contents and critical elaboration of them.
- EV-C2: Assessment of the work carried out, individually or in groups, taking into account the presentation, writing and clarity of ideas, structure and scientific level, creativity, justification of what it argues, capacity and richness of the criticism that is made, and updating of the bibliography consulted. Likewise, the correct use of the foreign language (level B2) will be taken into account.
- EV-C3: Degree of involvement of the students and manifest attitude in their participation in the consultations, exhibitions and debates; as well as in the preparation and presentation of the work, individual or in teams, and in the sharing sessions.
- EV-C4: Attendance and active participation in theoretical and practical classes and in specialized tutorials, in seminars and group sessions.
Evaluation tools:
- Theoretical-practical essays/tests based on the syllabus (60% of weight on the
- final grade).
- Practical work and their presentations, following the following percentages:
- Practice 1: 15% of the final grade (oral/written presentation, individual/groupal)
- Practice 2: 25% of the final grade (oral/written presentation, individual/groupal)
- Practices are compulsory.
Another grouping of practices and its percentage value may be made to facilitate the adaptation of the teaching guide to the peculiarities of the class and / or group.
To successfully pass the subject, each of the previous sections referring to evaluation (theory and practice) must be passed (minimum 5/10).
The final grade will take into account the use and correctness of the English language demonstrated throughout the course (B2) and participation in class.
The grading system will be expressed by numerical grading in accordance with the provisions of article 5. of R.D. 1125/2003, of September 5, which establishes the European credit system and the system of qualifications at university degrees and official in the national territory. The overall
rating will correspond to the score of the different aspects and activities that make up the evaluation system
Extraordinary assessment session
It consists of a second annual call for the subject. The evaluation criteria are the same as those
established in the single evaluation. The instruments and percentages are:
- Written and oral theoretical-practical essays/tests based on the syllabus (100% of the final grade).
The final grade will take into account the use and correctness of the English language demonstrated throughout the course (B2) and participation in class.
The grading system will be expressed by numerical grading in accordance with the provisions of article 5. of R.D. 1125/2003, of September 5, which establishes the European credit system and the system of qualifications at university degrees and official in the national territory. The overall
rating will correspond to the score of the different aspects and activities that make up the evaluation system.
Single final assessment
Students who cannot comply with the ongoing assessment methodology for justified reasons should request the Department Head, in accordance with the procedures regulated for this purpose, to be entitled to single final assessment.
Evaluation criteria
- EV-C1: Verification of the mastery of the theoretical and practical contents and critical elaboration of them.
- EV-C2: Assessment of the work carried out, individually or in groups, taking into account the presentation, writing and clarity of ideas, structure and scientific level, creativity, justification of what it argues, capacity and richness of the criticism that is made, and updating of the bibliography consulted. Likewise, the correct use of the foreign language (level B2) will be taken into account.
Evaluation tools
- Written and oral theoretical-practical essays/tests based on the syllabus (100% of the final grade).
Additional information
Evaluation due to unexpected circumstances
- Regarding the evaluation by incidents, the current regulations approved by the University of Granada will be taken into account. The student must notify it according to the provisions of the regulations.
Evaluation by panel of professors
- Students who wish to be evaluated by panel of lecturers should apply in writing to the Head of Department.
- The application must be submitted at least fifteen business days in advance of the start date of the final testing period of each call, renouncing the grades obtained by performing the different tests of continuous evaluation.
- In the case of undergraduate subjects with teaching shared by several Departments, the student will direct the request to any of them, and must be resolved by the Directorate of the Department to which the request is addressed.
- The evaluation procedure by court will only be applicable to the final tests (Article 10).
Evaluation of students with educational supporting needs (ESNS)
- In the case of students with specific educational support needs, the evaluation tests must be adapted to their needs, in accordance with the evaluation regulations of the University of Granada.
Información de interés para estudiantado con discapacidad y/o Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo (NEAE): Gestión de servicios y apoyos (