
The Primary Education Teacher Training Degree (PETTD) has the purpose of training future teachers in Primary Education, which involves students from 6 to 12 years old in the areas of Language, Maths, Natural and Social Science, Social and Cultural knowledge, and Visual Arts. In addition several majors (Menciones) are offered in the last year, to strength their profile in specialized areas of the curriculum.

The aim of this Degree is to contribute to the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of children around three age periods (6-8, 8-10 and 10-12 years old), throughout the curriculum delivered. In this age period children develop basic structures of thinking, affections, mobility, communication, interpersonal relationships, creativity, etc., laying the foundations for future and more advanced and complex skills, knowledge and competences as students and as future citizens.

  • Publication date of the degree in BOE: 4 august, 2014 (BOE nº 188)
  • Starting year: 2011/2012
  • Número de cursos en fase de implantación:
  • Area of knowledge: Social and Legal Sciences
  • Program duration (credits/years): 240 credits/four years
  • Teaching method: In-person
  • Languages of Instruction: English and Spanish
  • Demand/Offer ratio: Course 2014-15, 540 vacancies and 2533 applications submitted.
  • Centro responsable del título:

The general objectives of The Primary Education Teacher Training Degree (PETTD) are:

• To achieve a solid education for students. Aspects like the self-knowledge, the self-esteem, the aptitude to establish group relations, the solidary and democratic attitude, etc. in common with other Degrees and particularly important on this Degree of Primary Education Teacher Training Degree (PETTD).

• To qualify as a teacher to teach in a knowledge society, in the different areas and tasks, which involves, according to the White Book of Teaching (2005):

o To facilitate students interactions in order to guarantee their learning.

o To act as mediators in order to make learning meaningful for each student in a collaborative atmosphere.

o To design and organize disciplinary and interdisciplinary projects reaching out the society outside the school.

o Be capable of analyzing the context in the one that develops his activity and to plan it, giving response to a changeable society.

o To deliver tutoring functions, guidance and evaluation of students learning.

• To promote the critical and analytical spirit necessary to apply the knowledge acquired in different areas and professional contexts.

• To promote the respect to the fundamental rights and the equality of opportunities between genders, the principles of the equality of opportunities and universal accessibility of people affected by disabilities, and the proper values of a culture with peace and democratic values.


General Competencies (pfd)

Specific competencies  (pdf)

Optional Elective competencies

The optional elective competencies are in the matters descriptive cards.