5th international conference YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage


21st-23rd September 2016

Madrid, Spain

YOCOCU aims to foster the role of youth in the field of research on conservation and restoration, in all the disciplines related to cultural heritage, from the most traditional to the most modern perspectives, all kind of materials and heritages. YOCOCU wants to constitute a meeting point between young and senior professionals, being the formers the true protagonists of this event. Enterprises and companies of the sector are also welcome, as well as responsible of museums, heritage institutes, foundations, training workshops and relevant institutions in the field of cultural heritage.

Abstract submission (1 page): deadline 30th April 2016

+info: http://www.yococu2016.com/

+ info: http://www.igeo.ucm-csic.es/images/igeo/noticias/Flyer%20YOCOCU%202016.pdf