Luis Gutiérrez Rojas

Profesor Titular de Universidad

Facultad de Medicina
Avenida Doctor Jesús Candel Fábregas nº 11 18071 Granada


12:00 - 14:00
Torre a 9ª Planta- Despacho 8


Grado en Criminología

Psicopatología Forense y Criminal

Grado en Medicina

Fundamentos de la Investigación en Salud y Bioética

Grado en Terapia Ocupacional

Psiquiatría en Terapia Ocupacional

Máster Universitario en Neurociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Dolor

Módulo III. Neurociencias Aplicadas - Neurociencias y Psiquiatría Clínica


1.-Gutiérrez Rojas L, Molero Santos P, Ortuño Sánchez-Pedreño F. Perfomance in WCST in patients with schizophrenia: influence of clinical variables in manual laterality. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría 2005; 33:173-179. (IF: 0.878)
2.- Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Gurpegui M, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Gutiérrez-Ariza JA, Ruiz-Veguilla M, Jurado D. Quality of life in bipolar disorder patients: a comparison with a general population sample. Bipolar Disorders 2008; 10:625-634. (IF: 4.490)
3.- Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Jurado D, Martínez-Ortega JM, Gurpegui M. Poor adherence to treatment associated with a high recurrence in a bipolar disorder outpatient sample. Journal of Affective Disorders 2010; 127:77-83. (IF: 3.786)
4.- Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Jurado D, Gurpegui M. Factors associated with work, social life and family life disability in bipolar disorder patients. Psychiatry Research 2011; 186:256-260. (IF: 2.223)
5.- Martínez-Ortega JM, Carretero MD, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Díaz-Atienza F, Jurado D, Gurpegui M. Winter birth excess in schizophrenia and in non-schizophrenic psychosis: Sex and birth-cohort differences. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2011; 35:1780-1784. (IF: 4.185)
6.- Martínez-Ortega JM, Diaz-Atienza F, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Jurado D, Gurpegui M. Cofounding by indication of a specific antipsychotic and the increase of body mass índex among children and adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2011; 20:597-598. (IF: 3.553)
7.- Gurpegui M, Martínez-Ortega JM, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Rivero J, Rojas C, Jurado D. Overweight and obesity in patients with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia compared with a non-psychiatric sample. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2012; 37:169-175. (IF: 4.185)
8.- Martínez-Ortega JM, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Jurado D, Higueras A, Diaz FJ, Gurpegui M. Factors associated with frequent psychiatric admissions in a general hospital in Spain. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2012; 58:532-535. (IF: 1.613)
9.- Martínez-Ortega JM, Jurado D, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Molero P, Ramos MA, Gurpegui M. Stability of sex differences by diagnosis in psychiatric hospitalizations. Psychiatry Research 2012; 198:161-163. (IF: 2.223)
10.- Martínez-Ortega JM, Funes-Godoy S, Díaz-Atienza F, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Pérez-Costillas L, Gurpegui M. Weight gain and increase of body mass index among children and adolescents treated with antipsychotics: a critical review. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2013: 22:457-79. (IF: 3.553)
11.- Martínez-Ortega JM, Goldstein BI, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Sala R, Wang S, Blanco C. Temporal sequencing of nicotine dependence and bipolar disorder in the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions (NESARC). Journal of Psychiatric Research 2013; 47: 858-864. (IF: 4.000)
12.- Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Martínez-Ortega JM, Rodríguez-Martín FD. La sobrecarga del cuidador en el trastorno bipolar. Anales de Psicología 2013; 29:624-632. (IF: 0.871)
13.- Pérez-Costillas L, Montes R, Martínez-Ortega JM, Carretero MD, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Gurpegui M. Phosphate levels as possible state marker in panic disorder: a preliminary study of a feasible laboratory measure for routine clinical practice. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2013; 47:1357-1362. (IF: 4.000)
14.- Basso Abad MS, Martínez Pedrosa N, Lucas Borja P, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Interaction between meropenem and valproid acid: presentation of a case. Psiquiatría Biológica 2013; 20:14-15. (IF: 0.031)
15.- García Jiménez J, Zubimendi Pérez S, Navarrete Páez M, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Psychotic symptoms in Sturge Weber Syndrome. Psiquiatría Biológica 2013; 20:44-46. (IF: 0.031)
16.- Jurado D, Mendieta-Marichal Y, Martínez-Ortega JM, Agrela M, Ariza C, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Araya R, Lewis G, Gurpegui M. World region of origin and common mental disorders among migrant women in Spain. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2014; 16:1111-1120. (IF: 1.284)
17.- Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Azanza JR, Bernardo M, Rojo L, Mesa F, Martínez-Ortega JM Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Spanish Patients with Schizophrenia and Overweight. The CRESSOB Study. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría 2014; 42:9-18. (IF: 0.878)
18.- Popovic D, Benabarre A, Crespo JM, Goikolea JM, González-Pinto A, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Montes JM, Vieta E. Risk factors for suicide in schizophrenia: systematic review and clinical recommendations. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2014, 130:418-26. (IF: 4.984)
19.- Carrillo de Albornoz Calahorro CM, Guerrero-Jiménez M, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy after carbon monoxide poisoning: case report. Psiquiatría Biológica 2015; 22:23-6. (IF: 0.031)
20.- Álvarez Ruiz EM, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Comorbidity of bipolar disorder and eating disorders. Revista Española de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 2015; 8:232-241. (IF: 2.233)
21.- Fontalva-Navas A, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Arrebola JP, Pena-Andreu JM. Trends in personality disorder diagnosis in hospitalized patients: analysis of a ten-year time series. Open Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 18:3. (IF: 1.08)
22.- Guerrero-Jiménez M, Carrillo de Albornoz CM, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Charles Bonnet syndrome or organical hallucination: A case report Psiquiatría Biológica 2015; 22:50-52. (IF: 0.031)
23.- Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Pulido S, Azanza JR, Bernardo M, Rojo L, Mesa FJ, Martínez-Ortega JM. Risk factor assessment and counselling for 12 months reduces metabolic and cardiovascular risk in overweight or obese patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: The CRESSOB study. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría 2016; 44:20-29. (IF: 0.878)
24.- Fagiolini A, Alfonsi E, Cenci M, Angela Cusano A, Di Lella M, Farinella F, Ferraiuolo F, Fraguas D, Loparco N, Gutierrez-Rojas L, Mignone ML, Pataracchia G, Pillai G, Russo F, Sanchez-Gistau V, Spinogatti F, Toscano M, Villari V, De Filippis S. Switching long acting antipsychotic medications to aripiprazole long acting once-a-month: expert consensus by a panel of Italian and Spanish psychiatrists. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 2016, 15:449-455. (IF: 3.439)
25.- Pacchiarotti I, León-Caballero J, Murru A, Verdolini N, Furio MA, Pancheri C, Valentí M, Samalin L, Solé E, González-Pinto A, Montes JM, Benabarre A, Crespo JM; de Dios C, Goikolea JM, Gutierrez-Rojas L, Carvalho AF, Vieta E. Mood stabilizers and antipsychotics during breastfeeding: Focus on bipolar disorder. European Neuropsychopharmachology 2016, 26:1562-1578. (IF: 4.129)
26.- Jurado D, Alarcón RD, Martínez-Ortega JM, Mendieta-Marichal Y, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Gurpegui M. Factors associated with psychological distress including common mental disorders in migrant populations across the world. Revista Española de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 2017; 10:45-58. (IF: 2.233).
27.- Carrillo de Albornoz CM, Guerrero-Jiménez M, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Mielinólisis central pontina inducida por antipsicóticos en un sujeto con hiperplasia central congénita. Revista de neurología 2017; 64:235-236. (IF: 1.179)
28.- López-Díaz A, Fernández-González JL, Luján-Jiménez JE, Galiano-Rus S, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Use of repeated intravenous ketamine therapy in treatment-resistant bipolar depression with suicidal behaviour: a case report from Spain. Therapeutics advances in psychopharmacology 2017, 7:137-140. (IF: 1.768)
29.- Martínez-Ortega JM, Franco S, Rodríguez-Fernández JM, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Wang S, Gurpegui M. Temporal sequencing of nicotine dependence and major depressive disorder: a US National study. Psychiatry Research 2017, 250:264-269. (IF: 2.223)
30.- Calvo-Rivera MP, Porras A, Trigo-Rodríguez M, Martínez-Ortega JM, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Psychosis management in patients with HIV: case report. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría 2017, 45:71-78. (IF: 0.878)
31.- García-Jiménez J, Álvarez-Fernández M, Aguado-Bailón L, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Epidemiological and clinical variables related with the Predominant Polarity on Bipolar Disorder: A systematic review. Revista Española de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 2019; 12:52-62. (IF: 2.233).
32.- Sarramea F, Jaén-Moreno MJ, Balanzá-Martínez V, Osuna MI, Alcalá JA, Montiel FJ, Gómez C, Sánchez MD, Rico AB, Redondo-Écija J, Gil S, Valdivia F, Caballero-Villarraso J, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Setting the stage to quit smoking in Bipolar Disorder patients: brief advice in clinical practice. Adicciones 2018; in press. (IF: 2.077).
33.- Molero P, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Martin-Santos R, Calvo-Sánchez E, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Meana JJ. Antidepressant efficacy and tolerability of ketamine and esketamine: a critical review. CNS Drugs 2018;32:411-420. (IF: 4.206).
34.- Carrillo de Albornoz Calahorro CM, López-Delgado D, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Morgellons disease treatment with quetiapine. Medicina Clinica (Barc) 2019; 153:118-120. (IF: 1.168).
35.- Arango C, Baeza I, Bernardo M, Cañas F, de Dios C, Díaz-Marsa M, García-Portilla MP, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Olivares JM, Rico-Villademoros F, Rodríguez-Jiménez R, Sánchez-Morla EM, Segarra R, Crespo-Facorro B. Long-acting injectable antipsychotics for the treatment of schizophrenia in Spain. Revista Española de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 2018; in press. (IF: 2.233).
36.- Carrillo de Albornoz CM, Guerrero-Jiménez M, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Sleep-related eating disorder caused by zolpidem: case report and review of the literature. Dusuem Adam The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Science 2018; 31:195-200.
37.- Sarramea F, Jaén-Moreno MJ, Feu N, Redondo-Écija J, Balanzá-Martínez V, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, García-Portilla MP. Prepare the smoking cessation in severe mental illness: Early diagnosis and prevention opportunities. Revista Española de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 2018; in press. (IF: 2.233).
38.- Velázquez-Navarrete E, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Competencia para decidir y tipo de internamiento en conducta suicida. De la teoría a la práctica. Revista Española de Medicina Legal 2018; in press. (IF: 0.56).
39.- Benabarre A, Campos JA, Russo F, Cerveri G, Prestia D, González S, Pérez-Sendino A, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Aripiprazole treatment in clinical practice: expert panel consensus. Psiquiatría Biológica 2018; 25; 89-95. (IF: 0.031)
40.- Ramón-Jarne FJ, Jurado D, Jiménez-Fernández S, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Martínez-Ortega JM, Gurpegui M. Disordered eating behaviors among Christian and Muslim adolescents in Ceuta, a multicultural town. Psychiatry Research 2019; 272:182-189. (IF: 2.223)
41.- Jaén-Moreno MJ, Feu N, Redondo-Écija J, Montiel FJ, Gómez C, del Pozo GI, Alcalá JA, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Balanzá-Martinez V, Chauca GM, Carrión L, Osuna MI, Sánchez MD, Caro I, Ayora M, Valdivia F, López MS, Poyato JM, Sarramea F. Smoking cessation opportunities in Severe Mental Illness. Tobacco Intensive Motivational and Estimate Risk (TIMER): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2019; 20:47. (IF: 2.067)
42.- Jiménez E, Bonnín CDM, Solé B, Sánchez-Moreno J, Reinares M, Torrent C, Torres I, Salagre E, Varo C, Ruiz V, Giménez A, Benabarre A, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Cervilla J, Sáiz PA, Bobes J, Amann BL, Martínez-Arán A, Vieta E. Spanish validation of the Barcelona TEMPS-A questionnaire in bipolar patients and general population. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019; 249:199-207. (IF: 3.786)
43.- Sarramea F, Jaén-Moreno MJ, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Balanzá-Martínez V, García-Alvarez L, Saiz Martínez PA, Garcia-Portilla MP, Gulera I, Bobes J. Readiness predicts efficacy of reduction among smokers with SMI. European Adicction Research 2019; 4:1-7. (IF: 2.653)
44.- Guerrero-Jimenez M, Carrillo de Alabornoz Calahorro CM, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Wilson disease and psychiatric symptoms: A brief case report. General Psychiatry 2019; 32:e100066.
45.- Carrillo de Alabornoz Calahorro CM, Navarrete MI, Guerrero-Jimenez M, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Successful treatment of psychosis induced by interferon alfa and ribavirin with paliperidone : the first case reported. General Psychiatry 2019; 32:e100075.
46.- Martínez-Ortega JM, Nogueras P, Muñoz-Negro JE, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, González-Domenech P, Gurpegui M. Quality of life, anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients with psoriasis: a case-control study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2019; 124:109780. (IF: 2.722).
47. González Domenech PJ, Díaz F, García C, Serrano S, Herreros O, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Martínez-Ortega JM. Influence of a gluten-free, casein-free diet on behavioral disturbances in children and adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: a 3-month follow-up pilot study. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2019, in press. (IF: 1.059).
48.- Andrade-González N, Hernández-Gómez A, Álvarez-Sesmero S, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Vieta E, Reinares M, Lahera G. The influence of the working alliance on the treatment and outcomes of patients with bipolar disorder: a systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020; 260:263-271. (IF: 4.084)
49.- Cano-Ruiz P, Sanmartin-Salinas P, Gómez-Peinado A, Calero-Mora C, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Diagnostic stability in bipolar disorder: a systematic review. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría 2020, in press. (IF: 1.479)
50.- Gonzalez-Pinto A, Balanzá-Martinez V, Benabarre A, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Montes JM, de Dios C, Pérez Sola V, Montejo AL, Giménez Palomo A, Crespo JM. Expert consensus on information sheet proposals for patients under treatment with Lithium. Revista Española de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 2019; in press. (IF: 2.927).
51.- Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Martínez-Ortega JM, Pérez-Costillas L, Jiménez-Fernández S, Carretero MD, Gurpegui M. Illness insight and medication adherence among patients with bipolar disorder. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 2020; in press. (IF: 1.859).
52.- González Domenech PJ, Díaz F, García C, Fernandez Soto ML, Martínez-Ortega JM, Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Influence of a combined gluten-free and casein-free diet on behavior disorders in children and adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: a 12-month follow-up clinical trial. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2020, 50:935-948. (IF: 2.786).
53.- Porras-Segovia A, Díaz-Oliván I, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Dunne H, Moreno M, Baca-García E. Apps for depression: Are they ready to work? Current Psychiatry Reports 2020; 22:11. (IF: 3.816).
54.- Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Porras-Segovia A, Dunne H, Andrade-González N, Cervilla-Ballesteros J. Prevalence and correlates of Major Depressive Disorder: a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 2020; in press. (IF: 2.440).
55.- García-Escudero MA, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Lahera G. Second generation antipsychotics monotherapy as maintenance treatment for bipolar disorder: a systematic review of long-term studies. Psychiatry Quarterly 2020; in press. (IF: 1.271).