Course guide of Didactics of Culture of the Foreign Language: English (25711D4)

Curso 2024/2025
Approval date: 26/06/2024

Grado (bachelor's degree)

Bachelor'S Degree in Primary School Education


Social and Legal Sciences


Lengua Extranjera. Inglés


Didáctica de la Cultura de la Lengua Extranjera. Inglés

Year of study




ECTS Credits


Course type

Elective course

Teaching staff


Ana María Ramos García. Grupos: A y B

Timetable for tutorials

Ana María Ramos García

  • First semester
    • Tuesday de 11:30 a 16:00 (Despacho 239)
    • Thursday de 16:30 a 18:00 (Despacho 239)
  • Second semester
    • Monday de 15:30 a 18:30 (Despacho 239)
    • Wednesday de 10:30 a 13:30 (Despacho 239)

Prerequisites of recommendations

B1 in the corresponding language.

Brief description of content (According to official validation report)

Key concepts in cultural studies: culture, civilisation, identity, etc. Varieties in English regarding the different sociocultural contexts in English-speaking countries. Geography, institutions and historical events in English-speaking countries and their influence in universal history. Political, educational, religious and economic systems in English-speaking countries. Gender and sexual systems in English-speaking countries. Teaching cultural contents in language lessons.

General and specific competences

General competences

  • CG01. Analizar y sintetizar la información 
  • CG02. Organizar y planificar el trabajo 
  • CG03. Identificar, formular e investigar problemas 
  • CG04. Examinar alternativas y tomar decisiones 
  • CG05. Comunicar oralmente y por escrito con orden y claridad, en la propia lengua y en una segunda lengua 
  • CG06. Buscar, seleccionar, utilizar y presentar la información usando medios tecnológicos avanzados 
  • CG07. Adquirir y desarrollar habilidades de relación interpersonal 
  • CG10. Apreciar la diversidad social y cultural, en el marco del respeto de los Derechos Humanos y la cooperación internacional 
  • CG11. Fomentar y garantizar los principios de accesibilidad universal, igualdad, no discriminación y los valores democráticos y de la cultura de paz 
  • CG15. Trabajar de forma autónoma y liderar equipos 
  • CG17. Afrontar los retos personales y laborales con responsabilidad, seguridad, voluntad de autosuperación y capacidad autocrítica 
  • CG19. Comprender y relacionar los conocimientos generales y especializados propios de la profesión teniendo en cuenta tanto su singularidad epistemológica como la especificidad de su didáctica 
  • CG21. Comprender la complejidad de los procesos educativos en general y de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en particular 
  • CG23. Conocer los fundamentos psicológicos, pedagógicos y sociales de los procesos de desarrollo y aprendizaje en los diversos contextos educativos 
  • CG25. Abordar con eficacia situaciones de aprendizaje de lenguas en contextos multiculturales y plurilingües 
  • CG29. Adquirir destrezas, estrategias y hábitos de aprendizaje autónomo y cooperativo y promoverlos entre los estudiantes, estimulando el esfuerzo personal y colectivo 
  • CG30. Conocer la organización de los colegios de Educación Primaria y la diversidad de acciones que comprende su funcionamiento, así como los modelos de evaluación y mejora de la calidad de los centros educativos, analizando críticamente sus resultados 
  • CG35. Conocer y aplicar en las actividades de aula las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, para impulsar un aprendizaje comprensivo y crítico. Discernir selectivamente la información audiovisual que contribuya a los aprendizajes, a la formación cívica y a la riqueza cultural 
  • CG36. Conocer las funciones, posibilidades y limitaciones de la educación para afrontar las responsabilidades sociales, promoviendo alternativas que den respuestas a dichas necesidades, en orden a la consecución de un futuro solidario y sostenible 

Specific competences

  • CE02. Diseñar, planificar y evaluar procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, tanto individualmente como en colaboración con otros docentes y profesionales del centro 
  • CE03. Abordar con eficacia situaciones de aprendizaje de lenguas en contextos multiculturales y plurilingües. Fomentar la lectura y el comentario crítico de textos de los diversos dominios científicos y culturales contenidos en el currículo escolar 
  • CE11. Conocer y aplicar en las aulas las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Discernir selectivamente la información audiovisual que contribuya a los aprendizajes, a la formación cívica y a la riqueza cultural 
  • CE62. Conocer las dificultades para el aprendizaje de las lenguas oficiales de estudiantes de otras lenguas 
  • CE63. Afrontar situaciones de aprendizaje de lenguas en contextos multilingües 

Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)

Students completing this subject must attain the following objectives:

  • To know and be able to apply the key concepts in cultural studies (C2; C3; C11; CDM7.8; CDM7.9)
  • To be able to use the language according to the different sociocultural contexts in English-speaking countries. (C3; CDM7.8; CDM7.9)
  • To be able to plan, programme, and assess the foreign language culture teaching and learning process, both individually and in collaboration. (C2; CDM7.9)
  • To be able to analyse critically the main geographical, historical, institutional, political, religious, educational, artistic, anthropological and economic issues in English-speaking countries in the globalized nd multicultural era. (C2; C3; C11; CDM7.9).

Detailed syllabus


  1. Key concepts in cultural studies: culture, civilisation, identity, alterity, etnocentrism, cultural relativism, multiculturality, interculturality, plurilinguism, multilinguism, intercultural competence.
  2. Ethnical and Linguisctic pluriculturality in English-speaking countries.
  3. English-speaking countries geography.
  4. Main historical events in English-speaking countries and their influence in universal history.
  5. Main institutions in English-speaking countries.
  6. Political, Educational, Religious and Economic Systems in English-speaking countries.
  7. English-speaking countries and their role in globalization.
  8. Gender cultural contents in English.
  9. Cultural offer in English-speaking countries: art, cinema, music, sports, society, tourism, festivities, and celebrations.


Seminar 1: Teaching Cultural Contents in EFL Lessons at Primary Education.
Workshop 1: Research Project on English Culture.


Basic reading list

Complementary reading

  • BUTLER, Judith (1993). Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex. Routledge.
  • GUIJARRO OJEDA, Juan Ramón (2006). “Enseñanzas de la Teoría Queer para la Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura en Lengua extranjera”. Porta Linguarum, 6: 53-66.
  • MEAD, Margaret (2001 [1935]). Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies. HaperCollins.
  • RODRIGO ALSINA, Miquel (1999). La comunicación intercultural. Anthropos.
  • TINDALL, George B. y Shi, David E. (1999). America: A Narrative History. 2 vols. W.W. Norton.
  • ZINN, Howard (2003). A People’s History of the United States. Pearson Educational Ltd.

Recommended links

  • (Página web del British Council)
  • (Página web del Centro de Recursos Audiovisuales de la Universidad de Berkeley)
  • (Página web y de recursos de la Asociación Internacional de Profesorado de Inglés para hablantes de otras lenguas)
  • (Página web y de recursos de la Asociación Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada)

Teaching methods

  • MD01. Aprendizaje cooperativo. Desarrollar aprendizajes activos y significativos de forma cooperativa. 
  • MD02. Aprendizaje por proyectos. Realización de proyectos para la resolución de un problema, aplicando habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos. 
  • MD03. Estudio de casos. Adquisición de aprendizajes mediante el análisis de casos reales o simulados. 
  • MD04. Aprendizaje basado en problemas. Desarrollar aprendizajes activos a través de la resolución de problemas. 
  • MD05. Metodología expositiva. Transmitir conocimientos y activar procesos cognitivos en el estudiante. 
  • MD06. Contrato de aprendizaje. Desarrollar el aprendizaje autónomo. Ejercitar, ensayar y poner en práctica los conocimientos previos 
  • MD07. Metodología CLIL/AICLE. Aprendizaje integrado de contenidos en Lengua Extranjera. Aplicable a las materias/asignaturas impartidas en modalidad bilingüe. 

Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)

Ordinary assessment session

  • Assessment criteria: EV-C1, EV-C2, EV-C3, EV-C4.
  • Assessment instruments: EV-I1, EV-I2, EV-I3, EV-I4.

As general criteria the following aspects will be evaluated both in individual and collaborative work and also in exams:

  • Analysis ability
  • Kowledge integration
  • Ability to classify main and secondary ideas and to summarise
  • Precise knowledge and analysis of facts
  • Coherence in argumentation and mastery of specific vocabulary
  • Interest and participation in discussions will be evaluated by means of continuous assessment techniques
  • The activities will be supervised weekly (portfolio, class activities, seminars and workshops): (50%)
  • Content-based exams: (50%)
  1. Continuous assessment
  • Global score will be based on:
  1. Theoretical exam: 50%
  2. Practice: 50%
    • Everyday practice: 20%
    • Final project (it might include presentation): 30%
  • In order for the final score to be positive, the score in each of the sections (theory and practice) must be equal to or more than 50% of the score (i.e. it is necessary to pass the theory credits and the practical credits and have a final score of at least 5 in order to be able to calculate the average score).
  • The scoring system will be expressed with a numerical score in accordance with that which has been established in Article 5 of R.D. 1125/2003, 5 September, which establishes the European Credit Transfer system of qualifications in oficial university degrees which are valid throughout national territory. The global score will correspond to the weighed score of the different aspects and activities which make up and integrate the assessment system; in other words, the final marks of the subject will take into accoun the totality of the assessment criteria: Suspenso: 0.0 – 4.9; Aprobado: 5.0 – 6.9; Notable: 7.0 – 8.9; Sobresaliente: 9.0 – 10.0.

Extraordinary assessment session

  • It will be carried out in a sigle academic act (on the official exam date) which will consist in:
  1. An examination of theoretical and practical questions by means of a written test based on the programme, readings and simulated situations (70%).
  2. An oral examination to demonstrate instrumental use of the language at B1 level and knowledge of subject contents —on the same day, as soon as the written exam is finished— (30%).
  • The value of the final score will be the addition of both averages whenever a score of at least 5 is attained in both.

Single final assessment

  • Students who meet the requirements to complete the Single Final Assessment (for those unable to attend class) (article 8 of NCG71/2: Normativa de evaluación y de calificación de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Granada [Norms for assessment and scoring of students of the University of Granada])!
  • This will be carried out in a single academic act (on the official final exam date) which will consist in:
  1. An examination of theoretical and practical questions by means of a written test based on the programme, readings and simulated situations (70%).
  2. An oral examination to demonstrate instrumental use of the language at B1 level and knowledge of subject contents —on the same day, as soon as the written exam is finished— (30%).
  • The value of the final score will be the addition of both averages whenever a score of at least 5 is attained in both.

Additional information

  • Incidence Assessment
    • In relation to Incidence Assessments, the current guidelines approved by the University of Granada will be taken into account:
  • Extraordinary Assessment with a Panel
    • Those students who wish to Access the procedure of Assessment through a Panel must make a request in writing to the Head of Department. The request must be presented at least 15 days in advance until the date of the commencement of the final examinations in each period of final examinations, thus waiving the scores obtained during the stage of continuous assessment. In the case of subjects with sessions shared by more than one Department, the student will send their request to any one of these, and the request must be attended by the Head of Department who receives the request. The procedure of Assessment with a Panel will only be applicable for Final Examinations (Article 10).
  • Students with a disability or other educational support needs
    • For students with a disability or other specific educational support needs, the assessment examinations must be adapted to their needs, in accordance with the assessment guidelines provided by the University of Granada.
  • Regulations for the evaluation and grading of students at the University of Granada
    • Consolidated text of the Regulations approved by the Governing Council Agreement of May 20, 2013 (BOUGR no. 71, of May 27, 2013) and modified by the Governing Council Agreements of February 3, 2014 (BOUGR no. 78, of February 10, 2014); of June 23, 2014 (BOUGR no.83, of June 25, 2014) and of October 26, 2016 (BOUGR no. 112, of November 9, 2016); includes the corrections of errors of December 19, 2016 and of May 24, 2017.
    • Article 15. Originality of the papers and tests
    1. The university of Granada encourages the respect for intellectual property and will communicate to students that plagiarism is a practice which goes against the principles of university training. For this reason, the authorship of works and their protection will be recognised in accordance with current legislation.
    2. Plagiarism, understood as the presentation or work completed by another person and presented as one’s own, or the copying of texts without citing the origin and presenting them as one’s own, will automatically lead to a score of zero in the subject in which this is detected, regardless of any other scores the student may have obtained. This consequence should be understood without prejudice to the disciplinary responsibilities which could be incurred among any student who plagiarises.
    3. The work and materials submitted by students must be signed with an explicit statement in which the originality of the work is assumed, understood in the sense that the student has not used sources without properly citing them.

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