Course guide of Undergraduate Dissertation (2391199)

Curso 2024/2025
Approval date: 26/06/2024

Grado (bachelor's degree)

Bachelor'S Degree in Economics


Social and Legal Sciences


Proyección Profesional


Trabajo Fin de Grado

Year of study




ECTS Credits


Course type

Compulsory course

Teaching staff

Timetable for tutorials

Prerequisites of recommendations

  • In order to enroll in the subject Undergraduate Dissertation, the student must, in accordance with the Regulations of the Undergraduate Dissertation for the Grados (Bachelor's degrees) and the Grado´s (Bachelor's degrees) Verification Report:
    1. Have passed, at least, 70% of the credits of the Grado (Bachelor's degrees), i.e. 168 credits, distributed as follows:
      • at least, 60 ECTS credits of basic course
      • at least 90 compulsory credits and
      • the rest, where appropriate, may be completed with optional subjects, up to a maximum of 18 credits.
    2. At the time of registering the TFG, the student must register the total of the credits that are missing to complete the Grado (Bachelor´s Degree).

Brief description of content (According to official validation report)

  • In accordance with the objectives and contents established in the subjects, which are compulsory and basic training, students must carry out, defend (where appropriate) and present a work-report that implies the applicability and integration of the training content received from generic skills fundamental acquired throughout the training, and developing the skills and abilities of a professional with this study profile.
  • As a general modality, the student will prepare and present a portfolio of competencies.
  • The portfolio of competencies is a learning, monitoring and evaluation tool that allows the collection, registration and presentation of evidence by the student to show the level of achievement of the generic competencies associated with the Grado (Bachelor´s Degree). This tool also enables interaction with your academic tutor. The generic competences constitute a complement to the theoretical and practical knowledge of the subjects studied and include the abilities, competences and skills that all graduates must have to enter the labor market. The portfolio provides a complementary information to that reflected in the academic record, offering a more complete view of the learning carried out by the student throughout the Grado (Bachelor´s Degree) studies.
  • Likewise, the TFG report may be associated with development cooperation projects of the CICODE (Centre for Development Cooperation Initiatives), the development of business projects of the program proposed by UGR-Entrepreneur of the University of Granada and monographic works directed by professors of the Center, provided that the procedure established by the Faculty is followed.

General and specific competences

General competences

  • CG03. Ability to analyse and summarise.
  • CG04. Ability to organise and plan.
  • CG05. Oral and written communication skills in Spanish.
  • CG06. Computer skills related to the field of study.
  • CG07. Ability to manage information.
  • CG09. Ability to make decisions.
  • CG10. Ability to work in a team.
  • CG11. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team.
  • CG17. Ability to learn and work autonomously.
  • CG21. Initiative and entrepreneurship.
  • CG25. Ability to search for information and research.

Specific competences

  • CE40. Read and communicate professionally in more than one language, especially in English.
  • CE76. Undergraduate dissertation (TFG) submission and defence.

Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)

The development of a report for the Undergraduate Dissertation in its different modalities will have as objectives:

  • That students reflect, identify and demonstrate the generic competences they acquire during their Grado (Bachelor´s Degree) studies in order to improve their employability and plan their personal and professional goals.
  • Respond to the needs of the European Higher Education Area and the job market, in the area of developing key competencies for student employability.
  • Formally recognize the skills acquired, a requirement that is increasingly demanded by the human resources departments of companies

Detailed syllabus


Basic reading list

  • Agnani, B. y Lizárraga, C. (2021) Guid for the preparation of student competence portfolios. Granada, España: Editorial Godel, S.A.
  • Fuentes, F., Navarro, M., Agnani, B., Casado M., Holgado, M. López, L., López, M. y Zafra, J. (2018). 3ª Edición, Guía para la elaboración del Portafolio de Competencias del Estudiante. Granada, España: Editorial Godel, S.A.
  • Barberá, E. (2005). La evaluación de competencias complejas: la práctica del portafolio. Educere, (31), 497-504.
  • Barragán Sánchez, R. (2005). El portafolio, metodología de evaluación y aprendizaje de cara al nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Una experiencia práctica en la Universidad de Sevilla. Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa - RELATEC, (1), 121-140.
  • García Doval, F. (2005). El papel de los portafolios electrónicos en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las lenguas. Glosas Didácticas 14.
  • Guitert, M. Romeu, T. y Pérez-Mateo, M. (2007). Competencias TIC y trabajo en equipo en entornos virtuales. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, (1).
  • Salinas, J. (2004). Innovación docente y uso de las TIC en la enseñanza universitaria. Revista Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, (1).

Teaching methods

  • MD02. Estudio individualizado del alumno, búsqueda, consulta y tratamiento de información, resolución de problemas y casos prácticos, y realización de trabajos y exposiciones. 
  • MD03. Tutorías individuales y/o colectivas y evaluación  

Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)

Ordinary assessment session

The TFG will be valued based on the following parameters, with the weighting that is indicates:

  • Tutored monitoring of the Final Degree Project: 10%
  • Delivery and contents of the Final Degree Project (memory and, where appropriate, evidence): 60% (The evaluation rubric of the available memory will be taken as a reference for each TFG modality and will be weighted by 0.6).
  • Defense of the Final Degree Project: 30%

The evaluation of the TFG, including the public defense session, is governed by all effects, by the evaluation and grading regulations of UGR students.Thus, if the TFG memory is presented and the mandatory requirement of public defense is not, since memory represents more than 50% of the weighting of the final grade of the TFG, the final grade must be “fail” with the numerical grade obtained in the rubric of evaluation of the memory (and in the case of the portfolio also of the evidence) of TFG weighted by 0.6. In the event that this score is greater than 5, it will be must choose to enter a 4 as the numerical grade. In the event that the delivery of the memory is not presented, the final grade must be “not presented.”

In all its TFG modalities, the delivery and content will be evaluated by the tutor taking into account the memory and, in the case of the TFG portfolio, also the evidences, following the evaluation system approved by the Academic Commission that establishes the indicators to be assessed and their corresponding levels of achievement. This rubric can be consulted in the teaching guides: “Portfolio Preparation Guide of Competencies” and “General TFG Guidelines Guide – Other Modalities other than the Portfolio”, available both on the Degree Website and on the Faculty. To the grade in the rubric we must add the score corresponding to the presentation and tutored monitoring of the TFG. Title's coordination team will provide an Excel file that contains the different evaluations and weightings and that is available on the Faculty's TFG website ( degree).

The tutor will inform the student of his/her grade, along with the date, time and place of the review of qualifications. Subsequently, the tutor will send the evaluation sheet, signed electronically, to the subject coordinator.
In the event that the tutor recommends the qualification of Honors, it will be mandatory the defense of this TFG before a Court in public session, according to the procedure established in the Guidelines for the Development of Final Degree Projects from the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences. Furthermore, for the mention of Honor, the Court must evaluate the delivery and contents of the TFG (6 points maximum) as well as the defense (3 points maximum) and add the rating of the tutor regarding tutored Follow-up of the TFG (1 point maximum).

As stipulated in the Guidelines of the University of Granada on the development of TFG subject, the TFG grade cannot be incorporated into the academic record of the student until he or she has passed the rest of the credits of the degree.

Extraordinary assessment session

In the extraordinary call of the academic year the evaluation will be in the same way, representing 100% of the total grade.

Single final assessment

Not applicable

Additional information

The student will hold collective and individual face to face meetings with the tutor who has given him/her been assigned. They will define the general lines, the work calendar, and They will propose the corrections, improvements and documentation that are required. The student will make a report of the work done and, in the case of the portfolio of competencies, will attach a set of evidence to justify the degree of achievement of each of the competencies.

In addition to other orals presentations that the tutor considers appropriate, the student must carry out the defense of the Final Degree Project on the date and place published on the Faculty website (in the TFG section).

The deliverables of the TFG will be presented to the tutor by the means indicated, in accordance with the general guidelines established by the Faculty and within the established deadlines for this purpose, and which are available on the Center's website in the section that collects information about the TFG at the Faculty.

In accordance with the Regulations for the care of students with disabilities and other specific educational support needs (approved by the Government Council of the UGR on September 20, 2016) the care actions will be established necessary to achieve the full and effective inclusion of students with disability and other specific educational support needs, ensuring their right to inclusive education, in accordance with the principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunities and universal accessibility. Likewise, according to article 11 of the evaluation and grading regulations for students of the University of Granada, the evaluation systems will be adapted to students with disability or other specific educational support needs, ensuring in in any case their rights and favoring their inclusion in university studies. In the case of students with disabilities or other specific educational needs (NEAE), the tutoring system will be adapted to these needs, in order in accordance with the recommendations of the area with competencies in inclusion of University of Granada, with the departments and centers proceeding to establish the appropriate measures so that tutoring takes place in accessible places.

Finally, at the request of the teaching staff, support may be requested from the unit competent authority of the UGR when special methodological adaptations are involved. The information contained in this teaching guide will be subject to the guidelines and regulations that are established due to unexpected circumstances for the next course, by the University of Granada and the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business.

Información de interés para estudiantado con discapacidad y/o Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo (NEAE): Gestión de servicios y apoyos (