Course guide of Macroeconomics 2 (2261129)
Approval date:
Grado (bachelor's degree)
Bachelor'S Degree in Economics
Social and Legal Sciences
Análisis Económico
Macroeconomía II
Year of study
ECTS Credits
Course type
Compulsory course
Teaching staff
Juan Antonio
Grupo: A
Juan Antonio
Grupos: 1 y 2
Timetable for tutorials
Juan Antonio Lacomba Arias
Email- Tuesday de 10:30 a 13:30 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. B319)
- Wednesday de 10:30 a 13:30 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. B319)
Prerequisites of recommendations
- Students are required to have undertaken the units Macroeconomics I and Microeconomics I.
- They should also have a suitable level of knowledge of the following:
- The IS-LM Model
- The Mundell-Fleming open economy model
- Calculation of derivatives and graphical representation of functions
Brief description of content (According to official validation report)
- Relationships between the main macroeconomic variables
- Short term economic cycles in open economy
- Long term economic cycles
Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)
- The student will be able to understand the relationships between the main macroeconomic variables in the medium term.
- The student will be able to know and quantify the main causes of economic growth.
- The student will be able to know the main reforms necessary to solve the main macroeconomic problems
Detailed syllabus
- Part 1: The short and medium run
- - The labour market
- - The Aggregate Supply and Demand Model
- - The Phillips Curve.
- - Inflation, economic activity, and the growth rate of nominal money.
- Part 2: the long run
- An overview of Log-Run Economic Growth
- A Model of Production
- The Solow Growth Model
- Part 3: Main macroeconomic issues of developed economies
- The Growth Rate
- The Labour Market
- The Fiscal Policy
- Seminars / Workshops: Throughout the course a series of seminars will be given whose
main objective is to analyze certain aspects of the Spanish economy mainly, with the
theoretical tools introduced in class.
Basic reading list
- Blanchard O., (2004). Macroeconomics. Pearson.
- Jones Ch., (2014). Macroeconomics. Norton.
- J. Juan (2010), Nada es Gratis, Fedea.
- Mankiw, N. (2009). Macroeconomics. Worth Publishers
Complementary reading
- B. Belzunegui, J. Cabrerizo, R. Padillo, e I. Valero (2002), Macroeconomía: cuestiones y
ejercicios resueltos, Prentice Hall.XXXX
Recommended links
Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)
Ordinary assessment session
- The evaluation consists of 3 elements. A first partial exam that represents 50 percent of
the final grade. A second partial exam that represents 20 percent of the grade. Both
exams could have test questions and exercises, and where the incorrect answers in test
questions could penalize. And, finally, a presentation of one of the topics of the second or
third block. This presentation represents 30% of the grade. - To pass the course through this modality, the student is required to obtain at least 50
percent of the maximum score in each of the exams / tasks already mentioned, with the
final mark being the sum of the points obtained in each of them. The student who has
failed at least one of the three elements of the described evaluation, must take the final
exam of the ordinary call. The grade of said student will be a weighted average where the
final exam is worth 70 percent of the final grade, and the presentation and participation
work are worth the remaining 30 percent. The examination of the ordinary call will be a
test type.
Extraordinary assessment session
- In the event that the student does not pass the ordinary assessment, he/she must take
the exam corresponding to the extraordinary call. This exam will be typical test, will have
a maximum score of 10 points, and to pass it requires obtaining a minimum of 5 points.
Single final assessment
- Those students who, fulfilling the required requirements, have requested to take the final
evaluation, will be examined in the ordinary exam session of the second semester, based
on a final exam and whose maximum grade will be 10 (ten). This exam will be a test type
and incorrect answers will penalize
Additional information
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