Course guide of Spanish Economics (2261128)

Curso 2024/2025
Approval date: 24/06/2024

Grado (bachelor's degree)

Bachelor'S Degree in Economics


Social and Legal Sciences


Economía Española e Internacional


Economía Española

Year of study




ECTS Credits


Course type

Compulsory course

Teaching staff


  • Federico Carril Caccia. Grupo: A
  • Ana Isabel Guerra Hernández. Grupo: A


  • Federico Carril Caccia Grupos: 1 y 2
  • Ana Isabel Guerra Hernández Grupos: 1 y 2

Timetable for tutorials

Federico Carril Caccia

  • First semester
    • Friday
      • 09:30 a 14:00 (B-321 Facultad de Ccee)
      • 15:00 a 16:30 (B-321 Facultad de Ccee)
  • Second semester
    • Tuesday de 16:00 a 19:00 (B-321 Facultad de Ccee)
    • Wednesday de 16:00 a 19:00 (B-321 Facultad de Ccee)

Ana Isabel Guerra Hernández

  • First semester
    • Monday de 10:30 a 12:30 (C-221 Facultad de Ccee)
    • Wednesday de 12:30 a 13:30 (C-221 Facultad de Ccee)
    • Friday de 09:00 a 12:00 (C-221 Facultad de Ccee)
  • Second semester
    • Monday
      • 09:00 a 10:30 (C-221 Facultad de Ccee)
      • 12:30 a 14:00 (C-221 Facultad de Ccee)
    • Tuesday
      • 09:00 a 10:30 (C-221 Facultad de Ccee)
      • 12:30 a 14:00 (C-221 Facultad de Ccee)

Prerequisites of recommendations

  • Basic knowledge of Macroeconomics and Microeconomics.

Brief description of content (According to official validation report)

According the verification report of the Degree in Economics, the content of the subject are:

  • General development of the Spanish economy.
  • The sectors of the Spanish economy.
  • The foreign sector of the Spanish economy.
  • The Public Sector of the Spanish economy.
  • The financial system of the Spanish economy.
  • The labour market of the Spanish economy.
  • The spatial dynamics of the Spanish economy.

Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)

With this course the student should be able to:

  • Master basic economic concepts that allow to better understand the structure and evolution of the Spanish economy.
  • Make comparisons over time and geography.
  • Have basic knowledge of the Spanish economy within the framework of the international economic system and the European Union integration process.
  • To analyze the Spanish economic structure. In particular, the course will focus on the characteristics of the productive sectors and institutional aspects such as the financial system, the labour market or the public sector.
  • To be able to correctly manage and use different types of variables related to a wide variety of subjects (demography, labour, budget, trade and competitiveness) that complement the analysis of the Spanish economy.
  • Analyze and assess the Spanish economy situation.

Detailed syllabus


Part 1. Evolution of the Spanish Economy: Structural Changes and Main Sources of Growth.

  • Unit 1: Features of the Evolution of the Spanish Economy and Main Structural Changes.
    • General Features of the Evolution of the Spanish Economy.
    • Main Structural Transformations.
  • Unit 2: Economic Growth in Spain and its Determinants.
    • Determinants of Economic Growth.
    • Fluctuations and Economic Imbalances.
    • New Challenges of the Spanish Economy.

Part 2. Productive Structure, Trade, Investment Flows and Competitiveness of the Spanish Economy.

  • Unit 3: The primary sector.
    • Basic concepts and structural features of the primary sector.
    • Evolution of the agrarian macro magnitudes.
    • Behavior of the sector: supply factors.
    • Demand factors.
    • Policies and Future Perspectives.
  • Unit 4: The industrial sector.
    • Structural features: competition and competitiveness.
    • Recent evolution: supply factors.
    • Demand factors.
    • Future perspectives.
  • Unit 5: Services.
    • Structural features: market services and public services.
    • Recent evolution: supply factors.
    • Demand factors.
    • Future perspectives.
  • Unit 6: Economic relations with the foreign sector.
    • The foreign sector of the Spanish economy.
    • The external balance: the Balance of payments.
    • Spanish international trade.
    • Foreign direct investment.

Part 3. Institutions: Labor Markets, Public Sector and Financial System in Spain.

  • Unit 7: Labour Market in Spain.
    • Relevance and Peculiarities of the Labour Market.
    • Characteristics of the Labour Market in Spain.
    • The Institutional Framework of the Labor Market in Spain and the Labour
    • Market's Reforms of 2012 and 2021.
    • Determinants of Employment and Unemployment in Spain.
    • The Current Labour Market: Improvements and Pending Problems to be solved.
  • Unit 8. Financial System in Spain.
    • Definition and functions of the Financial System in an economy.
    • Institutions, Markets and Financial Intermediaries.
    • Basic Features of the Spanish Financial System.
    • Past and Present of the Spanish Banking System.
    • Monetary policy in the EMU.
  • Unit 9: Public Sector in Spain.
    • Relevance of the Public Sector in an Economy.
    • The Role of the State in Current Economies.
    • Dimension and Delimitation of the Public Sector: A Decentralized State.
    • The Treasury of the Public Administrations.
    • Budget Balance and Debt.


  • The practical activities will have as a common theme the current issues of the Spanish Economy.
  • Each professor, in accordance with the academic freedom protected by the Spanish Constitution, will determine the set of activities that his/her group will develop during class. These activities may include seminars, exercises, text, graph or report analysis, case studies, etc.
  • In addition, as complementary activities, students might be invited to attend seminars, taught by experts and organized in the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Granada, related to the subject of the Spanish economy.


Basic reading list

  • Delgado, J.L., & Myro, R. (Directores) 2023: Lecciones de Economía Española. 17ª ed. Civitas, Pamplona.
  • Delgado, J.L., & Myro, R. (Directores) 2023: Economía Española. Una introducción, 6ª ed. Civitas, Madrid.
  • Delgado, J.L., & Myro, R. (Directores) 2014: Spanish Economy: An Introduction. ed. Civitas, Madrid.
  • Carril Caccia, F., Guerra Hernández, A-I & Ruíz Martos, M. 2023. Manual de Actividades Prácticas de Estructura Económica de España. ed.Fleming. Granada

Complementary reading

  • González, M. (Director) (2013): Temas de Economía Española, 5ª ed. Tirant lo Blanc, Valencia.

Recommended links

  • Eurostat.:
  • European Union.:
  • National Institute of Statistics (INE in Spanish).:
  • Ministry of Economy and Finance.:
  • Bank of Spain.:
  • Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorro.:
  • Institute of International Trade (ICEX).
  • “la Caixa” Studies services.

Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)

Ordinary assessment session

  • The global grade is determined by the weighted mark of the different aspects and tasks that integrate the course evaluation system. This is determined following the UGR Student Evaluation and Qualification Regulation.
  • The student evaluation system is preferably continuous. However, the student may request a single final evaluation (art. 8 Regulations for the Evaluation and Qualification of Students of the University of Granada, approved by the Governing Council in its extraordinary session on 20 May 2013).
  • The evaluation criterias correspond with the above described objectives. Students may use the suggested readings, class notes and materials made available in Prado 2.
  • The content that is tested is the one established in theory and practical syllabus of the present guide.

Continuos evaluation system:

  • The evaluation instruments and qualification criteria that will be used in the continuous evaluation is of a diversified nature (art. 7 of the Regulations for Evaluation and Qualification of Students of the University of Granada) and will be based on the following structure and weighting:
    • Written tests, including theory questions and/or excercices (70% of the final grade).
      • The theory written part of the examen will consist of multiple choice questions and/or written questions. The partical part of the examen will depend of the activities that the professor performs in class (to be speficied at the begining of the course).
      • In order to be able to sum the class and complementary activities to the course final grade, the student must get at least a 4 over 10 in the written tests.
    • Class and/or complementary activites represent 30% of the final grade.
      • At the begining of the course each professor will indicate the activites that are going to taken into account.
  • When the student will marked once he/she has made a number of examns and activites of the continuos evaluation that represent 50% of the final mark of the course. Otherwise, the student will have no mark ("No presentado").

Extraordinary assessment session

  • The extraordinary exman represents to complete final mark of the course. That is to say, the exam is of 10 over 10. All grades related to the continuos evaluation and/or grades of activites that have been developed during the course will not be considered for the final grade of the extraordianry examination.

Single final assessment

  • The single final assessment will include theory questions and/or excercices. The examen represent 100% of the final grade.
  • The exam will include the complete theory and practical syllabus.
  • The student that does not do the final exam will not be graded (will be graded as "No presentado").

Additional information

  • In order to access different teaching material, students should regularly consult the Prado 2 platform.
  • In addition, respect for intellectual property will be encouraged and students will be informed that plagiarism is a practice contrary to the principles that govern University education (Evaluation and Qualification Regulations for students of the University of Granada, approved by the Council of Government in its extraordinary session of May 20, 2013). To do this, the work and practices must follow the APA style (sixth edition) and in the review of these practices, article 14 of the aforementioned regulations will be applied. Likewise, based on article 14 “The works and materials delivered by the students must be signed with an explicit declaration in which the originality of the work is assumed, understood in the sense that sources have not been used without duly citing them”.
  • Only the students enrolled on this course (Spanish Economics) have the right to use the teaching materials provided by the professors or teachers of this course and that are regularly published in the Prado 2 platform. Therefore, the dissemination or publication via any type of media or device (including platforms, websites such as Wuolah, Docsity or similar) is forbidden. Improper actions of this kind will lead to a violation of current regulations and thus, there will be legal responsibilities. These illegal actions will be considered as plagiarism and a crime of dissemination of the teaching materials (total or partial) elaborated by professors or teachers of this course. These materials include: maps, texts, powerpoint slides, graphs, figures...etc.
  • INCLUSION and DIVERSITY. In the case of students with disabilities or other specific educational support needs (SESN), the tutoring system will be adapted to these needs, in accordance with the recommendations from the inclusion department of the University of Granada. The departments and centers will take appropriate measures to ensure that tutoring sessions are held in accessible locations. Furthermore, upon request from the faculty, support can be sought from the competent unit of the UGR for special methodological adaptations.

Información de interés para estudiantado con discapacidad y/o Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo (NEAE): Gestión de servicios y apoyos (