Course guide of Didactic and Technological Resources Applied to Primary Education (2561122)

Curso 2024/2025
Approval date: 21/06/2024

Grado (bachelor's degree)

Bachelor'S Degree in Primary School Education (Bilingual Programme)


Social and Legal Sciences


Procesos y Contextos Educativos



Year of study




ECTS Credits


Course type

Core course

Teaching staff


Vanesa María Gámiz Sánchez. Grupo: A


Vanesa María Gámiz Sánchez Grupos: 1, 2 y 3

Timetable for tutorials

Vanesa María Gámiz Sánchez

  • First semester
    • Monday de 11:30 a 15:00
    • Tuesday
      • 09:30 a 11:00
      • 14:00 a 15:00
  • Second semester
    • Tuesday de 09:30 a 12:00
    • Wednesday
      • 09:30 a 11:30
      • 13:30 a 15:00

Prerequisites of recommendations

Basic knowledge about Didactics, School Organization and work with technological and audiovisual resources.

Brief description of content (According to official validation report)

  • The information and knowledge society and Primary Education: communication and interaction in classroom, didactic methodology and resources and media.
  • The didactic act as interactive and communicative process.
  • The teacher as promoter and mediator of interaction and communication processes in the classroom.
  • Elements for an appropriated didactic communication.
  • Curricular integration of ICT: ICT as a resource in educational interaction and communication processes.
  • Processes and strategies for communication, the teacher in front of contexts and situations of didactic communication: in class, in network, in tutoring hours.
  • Didactic and technological resources in Primary Education: communication tools, didactic software and experiences based on the Internet.
  • Design, development and evaluation of materials based on ICT for Primary Education class.
  • Collaborative work in online environments: actions for innovation and online training.

General and specific competences

General competences

  • CG01. Analizar y sintetizar la información 
  • CG02. Organizar y planificar el trabajo 
  • CG05. Comunicar oralmente y por escrito con orden y claridad, en la propia lengua y en una segunda lengua 
  • CG06. Buscar, seleccionar, utilizar y presentar la información usando medios tecnológicos avanzados 
  • CG07. Adquirir y desarrollar habilidades de relación interpersonal 
  • CG08. Trabajar en equipo y comunicarse en grupos multidisciplinares 
  • CG10. Apreciar la diversidad social y cultural, en el marco del respeto de los Derechos Humanos y la cooperación internacional 
  • CG12. Desempeñar su trabajo con compromiso ético hacia sí mismo y hacia los demás 
  • CG13. Investigar y seguir aprendiendo con autonomía 
  • CG14. Innovar con creatividad 
  • CG35. Conocer y aplicar en las actividades de aula las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, para impulsar un aprendizaje comprensivo y crítico. Discernir selectivamente la información audiovisual que contribuya a los aprendizajes, a la formación cívica y a la riqueza cultural 

Specific competences

  • CE01. Conocer las áreas curriculares de la Educación Primaria, la relación interdisciplinar entre ellas, los criterios de evaluación y el cuerpo de conocimientos didácticos en torno a los procedimientos de enseñanza y aprendizaje respectivos 
  • CE02. Diseñar, planificar y evaluar procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, tanto individualmente como en colaboración con otros docentes y profesionales del centro 
  • CE05. Fomentar la convivencia en el aula y fuera de ella, resolver problemas de disciplina y contribuir a la resolución pacífica de conflictos. Estimular y valorar el esfuerzo, la constancia y la disciplina personal en los estudiantes 
  • CE06. Conocer la organización de los colegios de educación primaria y la diversidad de acciones que comprende su funcionamiento. Desempeñar las funciones de tutoría y de orientación con los estudiantes y sus familias, atendiendo las singulares necesidades educativas de los estudiantes. Asumir que el ejercicio de la función docente ha de ir perfeccionándose y adaptándose a los cambios científicos, pedagógicos y sociales a lo largo de la vida 
  • CE07. Colaborar con los distintos sectores de la comunidad educativa y del entorno social. Asumir la dimensión educadora de la función docente y fomentar la educación democrática para una ciudadanía activa 
  • CE08. Mantener una relación crítica y autónoma respecto de los saberes, los valores y las instituciones sociales públicas y privadas 
  • CE09. Valorar la responsabilidad individual y colectiva en la consecución de un futuro sostenible 
  • CE10. Reflexionar sobre las prácticas de aula para innovar y mejorar la labor docente. Adquirir hábitos y destrezas para el aprendizaje autónomo y cooperativo y promoverlo entre los estudiantes 
  • CE11. Conocer y aplicar en las aulas las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Discernir selectivamente la información audiovisual que contribuya a los aprendizajes, a la formación cívica y a la riqueza cultural 
  • CE12. Comprender la función, las posibilidades y los límites de la educación en la sociedad actual y las competencias fundamentales que afectan a los colegios de educación primaria y a sus profesionales. Conocer modelos de mejora de la calidad con aplicación a los centros educativos 
  • CE21. Analizar la práctica docente y las condiciones institucionales que la enmarcan 
  • CE22. Conocer la evolución histórica del sistema educativo en nuestro país y los condicionantes políticos y legislativos de la actividad educativa 
  • CE23. Conocer los procesos de interacción y comunicación en el aula 
  • CE24. Abordar y resolver problemas de disciplina 
  • CE25. Promover el trabajo cooperativo y el trabajo y esfuerzo individuales 
  • CE26. Promover acciones de educación en valores orientadas a la reparación de una ciudadanía activa y democrática 
  • CE27. Conocer y abordar situaciones escolares en contextos multiculturales 
  • CE28. Diseñar, planificar y evaluar la actividad docente y el aprendizaje en aula 
  • CE29. Conocer y aplicar experiencias innovadoras en educación primaria 
  • CE30. Participar en la definición del proyecto educativo y en la actividad general del centro atendiendo a criterios de gestión de calidad 
  • CE31. Conocer y aplicar metodologías y técnicas básicas de investigación educativa y ser capaz de diseñar proyectos de innovación identificando indicadores de evaluación 

Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)

  1. To know and understand the concepts and terminology of this subject.
  2. To reflect critically and ethically on the role of ICT in society and in educational contexts.
  3. To understand and distinguish the main risks and problems to which schoolchildren are currently exposed on the Internet, handling the terms related to the safe and responsible use of ICT.
  4. To analyze the curricular integration of ICT in Primary Education at different levels and from different learning approaches.
  5. To acquire basic knowledge about the theoretical basis of audiovisual and technologic media, and to know how to use them properly.
  6. To establish a practical dimension of classical and digital media in the educational field.
  7. To know, analyze and assess the functions and applications of the different resources in teaching.
  8. To analyze and reflect on the mass media in education developing critical thinking about them and their messages.
  9. To know what are the technologies to support diversity, their characteristics and functions in education.
  10. To learn, search, select, evaluate and create digital materials adapted to the characteristics and capacities of the students, promoting an inclusive school.
  11. To use ICT resources as support for active work methodologies.
  12. To respond to a social reality that educates and socializes with audiovisual and computer media and technologies, through applied training in ICT culture.
  13. To design and evaluate a specific digital learning object, assessing the importance of sharing this content openly.
  14. To assess the importance of updating and innovating in the use of ICT in the classroom.
  15. To know and use various tools offered by ICT, for access to information and its production, collaborative work and work organization.

Detailed syllabus


BLOCK I Education in the knowledge society

  • Unit 1. ICT in education today
  • Unit 2. Education for the responsible use of the Internet in the knowledge society

BLOCK II Organizational and curricular integration of ICT

  • Unit 3. Organizational and curricular framework for education with technologies
  • Unit 4. Languages and technological-didactic training
  • Unit 5. Attention to diversity with technologies

BLOCK III Design, development and evaluation of educational experiences based on ICT

  • Unit 6. Active methodologies for training with technologies
  • Unit 7. Digital and open educational resources
  • Unit 8. Didactic possibilities of emerging technologies
  • Unit 9. Educational evaluation with technology


Because of the contents of the subject of the theoretical part and the practical part are directly
related, they are worked in a coordinated and dependent way. The main practices that students
should develop are the following:

  • Development of digital resources for the Primary classroom. In this part, various technological tools will be used to create teaching resources.
    • Elaboration and exposition of multimedia presentations (Prezi,, piktochart, canva, ...)
    • Design and edition of audiovisual content (Audacity, VideoPad ...)
    • Design and development of materials for storytelling (Powtoon, Pixton, Vyond ...)
    • Other interactive resources (Resources for interactive whiteboard, evaluation with ICT, virtual reality ...)
    • Resources for the introduction of robotics and computational thinking in the classroom
    • Use of AI as a tool of education
  • Design of a project for the integration of technologies in a teaching program. The Project Based Learning methodology will be followed and its main objective is the real integration of technological resources in a didactic unit for Primary Education.


Basic reading list

  • Cebrián, M., & Gallego-Arrufat, M.J. (2011). Procesos educativos con TIC en la sociedad del conocimiento. Pirámide.
  • Huang, R., Spector, J. M., & Yang, J. (2019). Educational Technology: A primer for the 21st century. Springer
  • Raposo-Rivas, M., & Cebrián-De-la-Serna, M. (2020). Tecnologías para la formación de educadores en la sociedad del conocimiento. Pirámide.
  • Selwyn, N. (2016). Education and technology: Key issues and debates. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Voogt, J., & Knezek, G. (Eds.). (2008). International handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education (Vol. 20). Springer Science & Business Media

Complementary reading

  • Adell Segura, J., Mengual-Andrés, S., & Roig-Vila, R. (2015). Webquest: 20 años utilizando Internet como recurso para el aula. EDUTEC: Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa, 52, 1-7.
  • Área, M. (2005). Tecnologías de la información y comunicación en el sistema escolar. Una revisión de las líneas de investigación. RELIEVE - Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa, 11(1).
  • Barberá, E. y De Martín, E. (2009). Portfolio electrónico: aprender a evaluar el aprendizaje. Editorial UOC.
  • Branch, R. M. (2009). Instructional design: The ADDIE approach. Springer.
  • Cabero, J., & Barroso, J. (2015). Nuevos retos en tecnología educativa. Síntesis
  • Carretero, S., Vuorikari, R., & Punie, Y. (2017). DigComp 2.1 The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens With eight proficiency levels and examples of use. Publications Office of the European Union.
  • de Pablos Pons, J. (2009). Tecnología educativa: La formación del profesorado en la era de Internet. Ediciones Aljibe.
  • Ely, D. (2008). Frameworks of educational technology. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(2), 244-250.
  • Gallego-Arrufat, M. J. (2013). Aplicaciones de las TIC en contextos educativos. Líneas y ámbitos de trabajo. Davinci Continental.
  • Hamari, J., Koivisto, J., & Sarsa, H. (2014). Does Gamification Work? – A Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Gamification. En Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, January 6-9, 2014.
  • Hernández, J., Pennesi, M., & Vázquez, A. (2012). Tendencias emergentes en Educación con TIC. Asociación Espiral, Educación y Tecnología
  • Khine, M. S., Khine, M. S., & Ohmer. (2017). Robotics in STEM Education. Springer.
  • Martínez Figueira, M. E. (2013). TIC para a inclusión de alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoio educativo. Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo
  • Mominó, J. M., & Sigalés, C. (2017). El impacto de las TIC en la Educación: Más allá de las promesas. Editorial UOC.
  • Pargman, T. C., & Jahnke, I. (Eds.). (2019). Emergent practices and material conditions in learning and teaching with technologies. Springer.
  • Spector, J. M. (2015). The Encyclopedia of educational technology. Sage.
  • UNESCO. (2011). A Basic guide to open educational resources (OER).

Recommended links

Digital Journals about ICT in education:

International Journals about Educational Technology

Teaching methods

  • MD01. Aprendizaje cooperativo. Desarrollar aprendizajes activos y significativos de forma cooperativa. 
  • MD02. Aprendizaje por proyectos. Realización de proyectos para la resolución de un problema, aplicando habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos. 
  • MD03. Estudio de casos. Adquisición de aprendizajes mediante el análisis de casos reales o simulados. 
  • MD04. Aprendizaje basado en problemas. Desarrollar aprendizajes activos a través de la resolución de problemas. 

Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)

Ordinary assessment session

Evaluation criteria

  • EV-C1 Verification of theoretical and practical contents domain, and critical thought about them.
  • EV-C2 Assessment of essays, individually or groupally, paying attention to the presentation, redaction and clarity of ideas, structure and scientific level, creativity, argues capacity and critical awareness and updated used bibliography.
  • EV-C3 Degree of involvement and attitude of students to participate asking questions, exposing ideas and debating as well as in the elaboration of individual and group works and in the sharing ideas.
  • EV-C4 Attendance to class, seminars, conferences, tutorials, group sessions.

Evaluation instruments

  • EV-I1 Written tests.
  • EV-I2 Oral tests: essays presentation, group techniques, etc.
  • EV-I3 Observation scales.
  • EV-I4 Portfolios, reports, diaries.

Evaluation percentages

The value of activities completed in the course of the subject will be calculated with the following percentage:

Theoretical part

  • Exam: 30%. It will be taken on the official date established by Faculty. It is necessary to get 1.5 points out of 3 to add up the rest of marks.
  • Theoretical activities and attitude (20%). They will be proposed during classess about theoretical contents. The attitude and the predisposition to speak in English will be valued.

Practical part

  • Project: 30%. The project will be reviewed during all the semester and there will be expositions of them at the end of classes.
  • Seminars activities: 20%. They will be the rest of activities, different from the project, developed during seminars hour.

It will be necessary to pass the theoretical part and the practical part separately. To pass the subject, a 5 must be reached.
This type of evaluation is for students who can attend to class. It's necessary at least 80% of attendance to the classes.

Extraordinary assessment session

The evaluation criteria and instruments will be the same than ordinary assessment.

Evaluation percentages

The value of activities completed in the course of the subject will be calculated with the following percentage:

Theoretical part

  • Exam: 30%. It will be taken on the official date established by Faculty. It is necessary to get 1.5 points out of 3 to add up the rest of marks.
  • Theoretical activities (20%). They will be proposed during classess about theoretical contents.

Practical part

  • Project: 30%. The project will be reviewed during all the semester and there will be expositions of them at the end of classes.
  • Seminars activities: 20%. They will be the rest of activities, different from the project, developed during seminars hour.

It will be necessary to pass the theoretical part and the practical part separately. To pass the subject, a 5 must be reached.

Single final assessment

The evaluation criteria and instruments will be the same than ordinary assessment.

Evaluation percentages

The value of activities completed in the course of the subject will be calculated with the following percentage:

Theoretical part

  • Exam: 50%. It will be taken on the official date established by Faculty. It is necessary to get 2.5 points out of 5 to add up the rest of marks.

Practical part

  • Project: 30%. The project will be reviewed during all the semester.
  • Seminars activities: 20%. They will be the rest of activities, different from the project, stablished on the virtual platform.

It will be necessary to pass the theoretical part and the practical part separately. To pass the subject, a 5 must be reached.