Pablo Ignacio Hurtado Fernández

Pablo Ignacio Hurtado Fernández

Secretario de Instituto Universitario

Instituto "Carlos I" de Física Teórica y Computacional
Facultad de Ciencias, Campus de Fuentenueva 18071 Granada
958241000 ext. 20189

Catedrático de Universidad

Facultad de Ciencias
Avenida de la Fuente Nueva S/N 18071 Granada
958241000 ext. 20189


12:00 - 14:00
Desp. 6 Planta Baja
12:00 - 14:00
Desp. 6 Planta Baja
12:00 - 14:00
Desp. 6 Planta Baja


Grado en Física

Física Estadística

Grado en Matemáticas y Física

Física Estadística

Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas

Módulo de Libre Disposición - Métodos Computacionales en Física No Lineal

Máster Universitario en Física y Matemáticas - Fisymat

Módulo IV : Física Teórica y Matemática - Métodos Computacionales en Física No Lineal

Máster Universitario en Física y Matemáticas - Fisymat

Módulo IV : Física Teórica y Matemática - Métodos Computacionales en Física No Lineal

Máster Universitario en Física y Matemáticas - Fisymat

Módulo IV : Física Teórica y Matemática - Métodos Computacionales en Física No Lineal


Pinaki Chaudhuri, Pablo I. Hurtado, Ludovic Berthier and Walter Kob, //Relaxation dynamics in a transient network fluid with competing gel and glass phases//, arXiv:1502.00249
Jesús J. del Pozo, Pedro L. Garrido and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Thermodynamic versus statistical local equilibrium in nonequilibrium fluids//, arXiv:1407.3113.
Jesús J. del Pozo, Pedro L. Garrido and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Universal scaling laws and bulk-boundary decoupling in fluids out of equilibrium//, arXiv:1401.5244.
Pablo I. Hurtado, Carlos P. Espigares, Jesús J. del Pozo and Pedro L. Garrido, //Thermodynamics of currents in nonequilibrium diffusive systems: theory and simulation//, J. Stat. Phys. 154, 214 (2014).
Daniel Manzano and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Symmetry and the thermodynamics of currents in open quantum systems//, arXiv:1310.7370.
Pablo I. Hurtado, Antonio Lasanta and Antonio Prados, //Typical and rare fluctuations in nonlinear driven diffusive systems with dissipation//, Phys. Rev. E 88, 022110 (2013).
Carlos P. Espigares, Pedro L. Garrido and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Dynamical phase transition for current statistics in a simple driven diffusive system//, Phys. Rev. E 87, 032115 (2013).
Antonio Prados, Antonio Lasanta and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Nonlinear Driven Diffusive Systems with Dissipation: Fluctuating Hydrodynamics//, Phys. Rev. E 86, 031134 (2012).
Pablo I. Hurtado and Paul L. Krapivsky, //Compact Waves in Microscopic Nonlinear Diffusion//, Phys. Rev. E 85, 060103(R) (2012).
Pablo I. Hurtado and Pedro L. Garrido, //Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking at the Fluctuating Level//, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 180601 (2011).
Antonio Prados, Antonio Lasanta and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Large Fluctuations in Driven Dissipative Media//, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 140601 (2011).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Carlos Pérez-Espigares, Jesús J. del Pozo and Pedro L. Garrido, //Symmetries in Fluctuations Far from Equilibrium//, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 7704 (2011).
Carlos Pérez-Espigares, Jesús J. del Pozo, Pedro L. Garrido and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Large Deviations of the Current in a Two-Dimensional Diffusive System//, AIP Conf. Proc. 1332, 204 (2011).
Pablo I. Hurtado and Pedro L. Garrido, //Large Fluctuations of the Macroscopic Current in Diffusive Systems: A Test of the Additivity Principle//, Phys. Rev. E 81, 041102 (2010).
Pinaki Chaudhuri, Ludovic Berthier, Pablo I. Hurtado and Walter Kob, //When gel and glass meet: A mechanism for multistep relaxation//, Phys. Rev. E 81, 040502 (2010).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Pinaki Chaudhuri, Ludovic Berthier and Walter Kob, //Static and dynamic properties of a reversible gel//, AIP Conf. Proc. 1091, 166 (2009).
Pablo I. Hurtado and Pedro L. Garrido, //Current Fluctuations and Statistics During a Large Deviation Event in an Exactly-Solvable Transport Model//, J. Stat. Mech. (2009) P02032.
Pablo I. Hurtado and Pedro L. Garrido, //Test of the Additivity Principle for Current Fluctuations in a Model of Heat Conduction//, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 250601 (2009).
Luca Donetti, Pablo I. Hurtado and Miguel A. Muñoz, //Network synchronization: Optimal and Pessimal Scale-Free Topologies//, J. Phys. A 41, 224008 (2008).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Joaquín Marro and Pedro L. Garrido, //Demagnetization via Nucleation of the Nonequilibrium Metastable Phase in a Model of Disorder//, J. Stat. Phys. 133, 29 (2008).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Ludovic Berthier and Walter Kob, //Heterogeneous Diffusion in a Reversible Gel//, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 135503 (2007).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Joaquín Marro and Pedro L. Garrido, //Metastability, nucleation, and noise-enhanced stabilization out of equilibrium//, Phys. Rev. E 74, 050101(R) (2006).
Luca Donetti, Pablo I. Hurtado and Miguel A. Muñoz, //Synchronization in Network Structures: Entangled Topology as Optimal Architecture for Network Design//, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3993, 1075 (2006).
Pablo I. Hurtado, //Breakdown of Hydrodynamics in a Simple One-Dimensional Fluid//, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 010601 (2006).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Joaquín Marro and Pedro L. Garrido, //Understanding Scale Invariance in a Minimal Model of Complex Relaxation Phenomena//, J. Stat. Mech. (2006) P02004.
Pablo I. Hurtado and Sidney Redner, //The Simplest Piston Problem I: Elastic Collisions//, Phys. Rev. E 73, 016136 (2006).
Pablo I. Hurtado and Sidney Redner, //The Simplest Piston Problem II: Inelastic Collisions//, Phys. Rev. E 73, 016137 (2006).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Joaquín Marro and Pedro L. Garrido, //Stochastic resonance and scale invariance in nonequilibrium metastable states//, Eur. Phys. J. B 49, 103 (2006).
Pablo I. Hurtado, //Strong Shock Waves and Nonequilibrium Response in a One-dimensional Gas: a Boltzmann Equation Approach//, Phys. Rev. E 72, 041101 (2005).
Luca Donetti, Pablo I. Hurtado and Miguel A. Muñoz, //Entangled networks, synchronization, and optimal network topology//, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 188701 (2005).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Pedro L. Garrido and Joaquín Marro, //Theoretical Characterization of the Interface in a Nonequilibrium Lattice System//, Phys. Rev. B 70, 245409 (2004).
30.Pablo I. Hurtado, Joaquín Marro and Pedro L. Garrido, //Reentrant Behavior of the Spinodal Curve in a Nonequilibrium Ferromagnet//, Phys. Rev. E 70, 021101 (2004).
Pablo I. Hurtado, //Some Aspects on Dynamics of Nonequilibrium Systems: Metastability, Avalanches, Phase Separation, Absorbing States and Heat Conduction//, arXiv:cond-mat/0302349.
Pablo I. Hurtado, Joaquín Marro, Pedro L. Garrido and Ezequiel V. Albano, //Kinetics of Phase Separation in the Driven Lattice Gas: Self-Similar Pattern Growth under Anisotropic Nonequilibrium Conditions//, Phys. Rev. B 67, 14206 (2003).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Joaquín Marro and Pedro L. Garrido, //Metastability and Avalanches in a Nonequilibrium Ferromagnetic System//, AIP Conf. Proc. 661, 147 (2003).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Joaquín Marro, Pedro L. Garrido and Ezequiel V. Albano, //Coarsening under Anisotropic Conditions in a Lattice Gas Model//, AIP Conf. Proc. 661, 85 (2003).
Joaquín Marro, Jesús M. Cortés and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Modeling Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions and Critical Behavior in Complex Systems//, Comp. Phys. Comm. 147, 115 (2002).
Pablo I. Hurtado, Joaquín Marro and Ezequiel V. Albano, //Growth and Scaling in Anisotropic Spinodal Decomposition//, Europhys. Lett. 59 (1), 14 (2002).
Pedro L. Garrido and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Reply to comment on "Simple one-dimensional model of heat conduction which obeys Fourier's law"//, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 079402 (2002).
Pedro L. Garrido and Pablo I. Hurtado, //Reply to comment on "Simple one-dimensional model of heat conduction which obeys Fourier's law"//, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 249402 (2002).
Pedro L. Garrido, Pablo I. Hurtado and Bjoern Nadrowski, //A simple one-dimensional model of heat conduction which obeys Fourier's law//, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5486 (2001).
Pablo I. Hurtado and Miguel A. Muñoz, //Systems with superabsorbing states//, Phys. Rev. E 62, 4633 (2000).