Course guide of Physical Activity and Health (2881135)
Grado (bachelor's degree)
Year of study
ECTS Credits
Course type
Teaching staff
- Palma Chillón Garzón. Grupo: A
- Manuel Delgado Fernández. Grupo: B
- Luis Andrés Gracia Marco. Grupo: A
- Francisco Bartolomé Ortega Porcel. Grupo: A
- Jonatan Ruiz Ruiz. Grupo: A
- Pablo Tercedor Sánchez. Grupo: C
- Cristina Cadenas Sánchez Grupos: 1 y 2
- Palma Chillón Garzón Grupos: 1 y 2
- Andrea Coca Pulido Grupos: 3, 4, 5 y 6
- Manuel Delgado Fernández Grupos: 3 y 4
- Irene Esteban Cornejo Grupos: 3, 4, 5 y 6
- Luis Andrés Gracia Marco Grupo: 1
- Francisco Bartolomé Ortega Porcel Grupos: 1 y 2
- Jonatan Ruiz Ruiz Grupos: 1 y 2
- Pablo Tercedor Sánchez Grupos: 5 y 6
Timetable for tutorials
Palma Chillón Garzón
Email- First semester
- Monday de 13:00 a 16:00 (Edf H Pb)
- Wednesday de 13:00 a 16:00 (Edf H Pb)
- Second semester
- Monday de 13:00 a 16:00 (Edf H Pb)
- Wednesday de 13:00 a 16:00 (Edf H Pb)
Manuel Delgado Fernández
Email- First semester
- Wednesday de 09:00 a 13:00 (Edf H 1ª Planta)
- Friday
- 09:00 a 10:00 (Edf H 1ª Planta)
- 12:00 a 13:00 (Edf H 1ª Planta)
- Second semester
- Wednesday de 08:00 a 12:00 (Edf H 1ª Planta)
- Friday de 08:00 a 10:00 (Edf H 1ª Planta)
Luis Andrés Gracia Marco
Email- First semester
- Wednesday
- 10:00 a 11:00 (Edif. D 1ª Planta Viced.Practicas y Empleabilidad)
- 13:00 a 14:00 (Edif. D 1ª Planta Viced.Practicas y Empleabilidad)
- Thursday de 09:30 a 13:30 (Edif. D 1ª Planta Viced.Practicas y Empleabilidad)
- Second semester
- Wednesday
- 10:00 a 11:00 (Edif. D 1ª Planta Viced.Practicas y Empleabilidad)
- 13:00 a 14:00 (Edif. D 1ª Planta Viced.Practicas y Empleabilidad)
- Thursday de 09:30 a 13:30 (Edif. D 1ª Planta Viced.Practicas y Empleabilidad)
Francisco Bartolomé Ortega Porcel
Email- First semester
- Monday de 13:00 a 16:00 (Edf H Pb)
- Wednesday de 13:00 a 16:00 (Edf H Pb)
- Second semester
- Monday de 12:00 a 15:00 (Edf H Pb)
- Wednesday de 12:00 a 15:00 (Edf H Pb)
Jonatan Ruiz Ruiz
Email- First semester
- Monday
- 09:00 a 11:00 (Edf D 3ª Planta)
- 13:00 a 17:00 (Edf D 3ª Planta)
- Second semester
- Monday
- 09:00 a 10:00 (Edf D 3ª Planta)
- 12:00 a 17:00 (Edf D 3ª Planta)
Pablo Tercedor Sánchez
Email- First semester
- Monday de 09:30 a 12:30 (Edf D Despacho 3.1)
- Thursday de 09:30 a 12:30 (Edf D Despacho 3.1)
- Second semester
- Monday de 09:30 a 12:30 (Edf D Despacho 3.1)
- Thursday de 09:30 a 12:30 (Edf D Despacho 3.1)
Cristina Cadenas Sánchez
Email- First semester
- Monday de 08:00 a 11:00 (Despacho 3.9)
- Wednesday de 08:00 a 11:00 (Despacho 3.9)
- Second semester
- Monday de 08:00 a 11:00 (Despacho 3.9)
- Wednesday de 08:00 a 11:00 (Despacho 3.9)
Andrea Coca Pulido
Email- First semester
- Thursday de 09:30 a 11:00 (Sala Becarios)
- Second semester
- Thursday de 09:30 a 11:00 (Sala Becarios)
Irene Esteban Cornejo
Email- First semester
- Wednesday de 09:00 a 11:00 (Edf H 1ª Planta)
- Second semester
- Wednesday de 09:00 a 11:00 (Edf H 1ª Planta)
Prerequisites of recommendations
It is recommendable to have passed all the modules of the first and second course.
Brief description of content (According to official validation report)
Physical activity and health
Identification and prevention of physical activity and sport-related risks
Physical activity for people with special needs
General and specific competences
General competences
- CG01. Capacidad de análisis y síntesis
- CG02. Capacidad de organización y planificación
- CG03. Comunicación oral y escrita
- CG05. Destrezas informáticas y telemáticas
- CG06. Capacidad de acceso y gestión de la información
- CG07. Capacidad de resolución de problemas
- CG08. Capacidad de toma de decisiones de forma autónoma
- CG09. Capacidad de trabajo en equipo
- CG11. Habilidades en las relaciones interpersonales
- CG12. Reconocimiento y respeto de la diversidad y multiculturalidad
- CG13. Capacidad crítica y autocrítica
- CG14. Compromiso ético en el desarrollo profesional
- CG17. Autonomía en el aprendizaje
- CG18. Flexibilidad y capacidad de adaptación a nuevas situaciones
- CG19. Capacidad de Liderazgo y Empatía
- CG20. Capacidad de Creatividad
- CG22. Iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor
- CG23. Motivación por la calidad
- CG24. Sensibilidad hacia temas medioambientales
Specific competences
- CE04. Aplicar los principios fisiológicos, biomecánicos, comportamentales y sociales, a los diferentes campos de la A.F y D
- CE05. Promover y evaluar la formación de hábitos perdurables y autónomos de práctica de la actividad física y del deporte entre las diferentes poblaciones
- CE06. Planificar, desarrollar y controlar el proceso de entrenamiento en sus distintos niveles
- CE07. Seleccionar y saber utilizar el material y equipamiento deportivo adecuado para cada tipo de actividad
- CE08. Identificar los riesgos que se derivan para la salud de la práctica de act. Físicas inadecuadas
- CE09. Planificar, desarrollar y evaluar la realización de programas de entrenamiento y de actividades físico deportivas
- CE22. Comprender la literatura científica del ámbito de la A.F. y D en lengua inglesa y otras de presencia científica significativa
- CE23. Aplicar las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) al ámbito de las CC del a A F y D.
Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)
- 01. To interpret the relationships between health, physical activity and fitness.
- 02. To know the guidelines of physical activity promotion
- 03. To know how to prepare an exercise program adapted to the people needs.
- 04. To know the main research lines in physical activity and health.
- 05. To raise awareness among sport scientist about their role on the population health and to work with other health agents.
Detailed syllabus
- Unit 1: Introduction and terminology.
- Unit 2: Sedentary behaviours and health.
- Unit 3: Physical activity and health-related physical fitness assessment.
- Unit 4: Benefits of physical activity on health:
- physical activity and body composition
- physical activity, cognition and mental health
- Unit 6: Physical activity and fitness promotion
- Unit 7: Healthy lifestyle habits
- Unit 8. Health oriented fitness conditioning
- Unit 9: Prevention of muscle-skeletal risks including non-recommendable exercises.
- Unit 10: Recovery strategies after physical activity.
- Unit 11: First aids.
- Unit 12: Physical activity for people with special needs.
- Unit 13: Physical activity for people with non-communicable diseases.
- Physical activity and fitness assessment.
- Health oriented fitness conditioning.
- Health-related lifestyles.
- Risks prevention.
- Physical activity in people with special needs.
Basic reading list
- Riebe, D.; Ehrman, J.K.; Liguori, G.; Magal, M..; American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM´s Guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. 10ª edición. 2018, Philadelphia, USA. Wolters Kluwer.
- Bouchard, C.; Blair, S.N.; Haskell, W. (2012). Physical activity and health. Second Edition. Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics.
- Oxford Textbook of Children's Sport and Exercise Medicine. Neil Armstrong (Editor), Willem van Mechelen (Editor). 2018.
- Ward, D.S.; Saunders, R.P.; Pate, R.R. (2007). Physical activity interventions in children and adolescents. Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics.
Recommended links
Physical activity guidelines: 2018 Report:
Web of Science:
American College of Sport Medicine: De especial interés los “Position Stands”
European Association for the Study of Obesity:
Sport Medicine and Exercise Science in video:
Teaching methods
- MD01. Lección magistral/expositiva
- MD02. Sesiones de discusión y debate
- MD03. Resolución de problemas y estudio de casos prácticos
- MD04. Prácticas de laboratorio y/o talleres de habilidades
- MD05. Prácticas de campo
- MD07. Seminarios
- MD09. Análisis de fuentes y documentos
Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)
Ordinary assessment session
The scoring system will be discussed and agreed with the students in the beginning of the course. Main aspects to discuss:
EXAMS: There might be partial exams and final exams. Partial exams include the content covered up to the day before the exam. These exams include questions about practical and theory.
GROUP WORK: Group of 4 persons max. The group will work on a specific topic and lead an oral presentation.
CLASS TASKS: Class tasks will be done during the theory and practical lectures. Groups will design and deliver practical lessons.
Criteria to pass the Module:
- Exams: A minimum of 5 out of 10 points is required to avoid the final exam. The average of the 3 partial exams or the score in the final exam will be used. The exam will weigh 40 to 70%. The percentage will be agreed with students at the beginning of the academic year.
- Active participation in theoretical and practical classes, design and delivery of practical sessions: Score: 20-40%.
- Group work: Score: 10-20%
Extraordinary assessment session
Description: One single exam to assess the overall student´s knowledge in the topics included in the module, both theoretical and practical. The exam will be face to face.
Criteria: A minimum of 5 points is needed to pass the module.
Scoring: The exam will weigh 100% of the final score
Single final assessment
According to the current regulations, if a student wants to choose the Final Single Exam option, he/she will have to formally apply for this evaluation option during the first 2 weeks from the beginning of the subject, submitting an application to the Director of the Department explaining in detail the reasons why the person cannot attend the subject continuously during the course of the subject. In case the application is approved, the Director will communicate this decision to the teachers of the subject, and the student will have the right to do one single exam at the end of the subject (i.e. official day of the exam published in the Faculty website) which will cover all the topics, theoretical and practical, of the subject.
Criteria: A minimum of 5 points is needed to pass the module.
Scoring: The exam will weigh 100% of the final score
Additional information
The subject will be involved in an inter-university teaching innovation project, led by the University of Almería: Sound Evidence: Scientifically Based University Podcasts. The creation of podcasts is proposed as a versatile educational tool. The PID seeks to address the challenges of the digital era, promoting scientific literacy, encouraging critical thinking and improving the communication skills of students, through active and collaborative methodologies. The purpose of the creation of podcasts by university students is to provide a reliable means for the dissemination of knowledge, based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the 2030 Agenda, and the inclusion of functional diversity.
As a specification for the evaluation at the Melilla University Campus, following the indications of the degree verification report, 5% is included in the practical section:
SE14. Academic activities to which a percentage of the grade corresponds: Institutional Innovative Practices Plan, Sports Practices (5%).
The previous information only applies to groups B and C (in Spanish)
Information of interest for students with disabilities and/or Specific Educational Support Needs (NEAE): Management of services and supports (